[Upcoming] Series of major updates to Web Applications

We are preparing to release four major updates to our current generation of web applications. All upcoming updates are split into 4 parts and we will be releasing them one after another in coming weeks.

Update I. Compatibility update to support older browsers
With this update we add support for older browsers:

  • Safari 15+
  • Chrome 90+
  • Firefox 110+

Not all features will be supported in Safari below 16.4. Here is the list of some features that missing:

  • Compression in payload requests (no CompressionStream support)
  • Encrypted payload with compression
  • Hardware Concurrency Detection
  • Passkeys
  • Realtime debug in Preview
  • Web Push API

We’ve optimized application’s internal architecture by flattering webworkers hierarchy (no nested webworkers any more!) and moving parts of the application closer to each other to speedup processing.

With Update I, we ship significantly improved logic performance in all versions of Safari and any mobile browser on iOS. Our tests with early users showed a 3x to 20x increase in logic execution performance, depending on the use case.

We will start slowly rolling out Update I at the end of this week and plan to ship it to all our current users by the end of next week.