[New feature] Cloudflare Stream API module and Creator Uploader

We just released a new block and module to work with Cloudflare Stream directly.

  • New block in web apps CF Stream: Upload Video (pre-signed)
  • New module in backend apps: Cloudflare Stream API

Now you can use backend module to call Cloudflare Stream API endpoints, generate signed URLs to upload videos, generate JWTs to protect steaming assets.

Using CF Stream: Upload Video (pre-signed) you can directly upload from your web application to Cloudflare Stream Storage effectively bypassing backend: less traffic, no file size limitation on a backend side. Block also support upload progress tracking with approach similar to Loop/For Each blocks where you can use a specially designated onProgress Flow-Out connector to define the progress reporting. In current implementation there is a limit on max size of video file - not more than 200MB, imposed by Cloudflare. For files larger than 200MB Cloudflare requires to use TUS protocol with resumable uploads and we will add it in future updates.

New feature is a solid step forward to support streaming-related projects on our platform.