Model array global variables in web - broken

Here it model array
In fact it model

When you try to crate or edit set as model, not model array
So i can’t use model array global vars

Also no I can’t put data to enpoints payload with any global var

On the screen above there is an info in global var but it’s global model var with some fields are filled.

Previously everything worked correctly. This edit is needed urgently, because this is the main functionality

Most likely, this is only a visual bug in the global variables section. It will be fixed, but even now it should not affect the functionality. If a variable is created as an array, then it will work as an array correctly.

I always need to switch to deployed version instead of working on preview. I tested it. Deployed - work, preview - no. So if I make any change - I need to deploy hole project to test it, couse one of the core functionality in project based on this var