Can't download files. Project 474008

I try every possible way to download files. I created topic about this earlier. The last thing that I tried is:

Screen 1

I got 500 from server

Screen 2

Problem is the same as in Can't download file. Project 474008
Help to solve this problem. All info you can find in this :arrow_up: topic. All screens etc etc etc

You have multiple blocks here but only 2 are really used - Get file metadata and Expand file. But metadata doesn’t contain any bytes - only information about file name, size, etc. So you don’t provide any data for output.

Try to do it this way:

And don’t forget to configure endpoint response type to Download file

@Basil_K already tried it earlier too. Instead of downloading - file just render in response. I try every possible way to download files. Including web/back tools. All permissions are granted to site, all browser extensions are off

Please share

  1. Backend and frontend BPs.
  2. Endpoint settings
  3. Link to the file to check downloading (temporary disable middleware if possible)






Back BP same as yours
Front BP just pass file id to input field. For example like this:


In table there is a textblock, when you click it - record attached file should download. But, you can just pass file id directly, no difference

Info for test

File ID - vaFLbfRp7TKWHvEbcN3tcX

Middleware disabled

Try to replace Server request block with simple Download file from URL or Navigate to external link. Just tested it at my side using URL provided by you - everithing works correctly