I have an online service consisting of the mobile app, back-end written on Golang and the database. The mobile app isn’t complicated and the back-end is just an API. The business logic is currently mostly implemented in the database (using procedures and functions), I would say 15% is in the back-end and the rest is in the database.
I would like to assess whether AppMaster fits for my needs. The thing is I’m doubting regarding the database. I mean, I’m not sure that I want to move it to the no-code platform.
So, my question is, whether it’s possible to move the mobile app and the back-end to AppMaster and keep the database external? Currently it’s an AWS RDS, if it matters.
While AppMaster-generated backend applications use PostgreSQL as a primary DB, it must be under full app control: backend app applies migration every time to keep DB schema in sync.
In future releases you will be able to connect external PG, MySQL/Maria, MSSQL and some other DBs, but they will be “external” and not available for core DB operations.
Technically you can migrate to AppMaster with your data and functions (re-implement/copy them to the DB). If you can avoid using DB stored functions, try to move all logic into backend application for maximum scalability.